Couples Counseling in Galveston, TX
Do you ever feel as though you and your partner are operating in two separate worlds? Perhaps you’ve gotten to the point where neither of you is showing much affection to the other, and when you do interact, there is a lack of kindness or thoughtfulness. Maybe you’ve stopped fighting and basically ignore one another? Has your relationship become more about keeping the peace than working out the problems? You may even have begun to wonder, ”Do I even still want to be with this person anymore?”
Any of these scenarios means that there is a distance growing between you and your loved one. And that can leave you feeling lonely and even depressed. You may find yourself asking, “What went wrong? “How did we get here? What’s wrong with me? What’s wrong with them? Do I even care about my partner’s happiness? What about my happiness?”
Many times, my clients – be they gay, lesbian, straight, or LGBTQ – come to couples counseling seeking answers to those very questions. I assure them that recognizing and accepting that their relationship needs help is the first step to regaining a growing cycle of contentment. I gently remind them that the pain, hurt, and anger that is currently damaging their relationship will come up over and over again until those issues are addressed.
The good news is that through marriage counseling, couples counseling, or partnership counseling, I can help partners learn how to get past superficial arguments and negative ways of communicating. We can work together on learning new skills to effectively identify and communicate your needs to one another and strengthen your relationship.
Are you feeling stuck in your relationship, wondering why your expectations are not being met or becoming frustrated that you’re not being listened to? Please don’t hesitate to reach out. If you and your partner are willing to do the work, I can help you master the steps it will take to rebuild your emotional connection. If you are in or near the Galveston, TX area and wish to start healing, please call me today at 443-398-1700.